
Accelerating Drug Discovery

Drug discovery is a complex and vital process that plays a crucial role in improving healthcare outcomes and addressing various diseases and medical conditions. Over the years, advancements in science and technology have revolutionized the field of drug discovery, enabling researchers to develop innovative therapies and treatments. Devoting time and financial resources to create and develop apps can be better utilized in delivering exceptional patient care. Nevertheless, the healthcare sector necessitates swift digital transformation in order to consistently meet the growing expectations of patients. Going by this ideology, using low-code platforms in the healthcare sector has become a paramount need in today’s world.

Low-code platform

Firstly, what is a low-code platform

  • + A low-code platform :
  • A low-code platform is a software development environment that enables the creation of applications with minimal hand-coding and a visual interface. It provides a simplified approach to application development by abstracting complex coding tasks and offering pre-built components, templates, and drag-and-drop functionalities.
  • +With a low-code platform:
  • With a low-code platform, developers can rapidly design, develop, and deploy applications by focusing on the visual design and configuration aspects rather than writing extensive lines of code. These platforms often include features like visual modeling tools, reusable components, database integration, and automatic deployment capabilities, allowing for faster application development cycles and reduced reliance on traditional programming skills.
  • +The growing significance:
  • The growing significance of low code softwares can be easily understood from this study by Gartner. According to data from Forrester in 2022, 38% of professionals in the business and technology sectors of manufacturing companies in China, employing 2,500 or more individuals, plan to implement or enhance the utilization of low-code and no-code platforms within the next year.

Low-code for healthcare

Next, what do we mean exactly when we mention “low-code for healthcare”?

  • +Low-code development:
  • Low-code development platforms have the capability to eliminate manual processes inherent in traditional development approaches and empower healthcare organizations to test application iterations at an accelerated pace. Research has demonstrated that 50% of enterprises have acknowledged that low-code development offers a faster delivery speed compared to other development methods.
  • + To enhance clinical outcomes :
  • To enhance clinical outcomes, reduce healthcare costs, and streamline processes, healthcare professionals can leverage low-code technology. Every day, the healthcare industry manages a substantial amount of information and records. By utilizing apps, digital services, and data insights, they can establish a robust ecosystem that enables the delivery of high-quality and sustainable healthcare for everyone. Low-code platforms empower users to develop efficient digital health solutions that cater to their specific needs.

How can low-code really help in drug-discovery?

Firstly, low-code platform helps in saving time with respect to the GTM strategy.

  • + Rapid Application Development:
  • Low-code platforms allow marketing teams to quickly create and deploy marketing applications and campaigns without extensive coding knowledge. Examples include customizing landing pages, email templates, and interactive content, in a fraction of the time,
  • +Personalized Customer Engagement:
  • Low-code platforms enable the integration of customer data from various sources, including customer relationship management (CRM) systems and marketing databases. This allows marketers to gain a holistic view of their target audience and create personalized marketing experiences.
  • +Multichannel Marketing Campaigns:
  • Low-code platforms support the creation and management of multichannel marketing campaigns. Marketers can design and coordinate campaigns across various channels, such as websites, mobile apps, social media, and email, using a single platform.
  • +Agility and Experimentation:
  • Low-code platforms empower marketers to iterate and experiment with marketing campaigns in real-time. Marketers can quickly modify and optimize campaigns based on data analytics and customer feedback, without relying heavily on IT resources or lengthy development cycles.
  • +Compliance and Regulatory Control:
  • In the highly regulated pharmaceutical industry, low-code platforms can include built-in compliance features and workflows to ensure adherence to industry regulations and guidelines. These platforms can enforce data privacy and security measures, provide audit trails, and facilitate approval processes, enabling marketers to maintain compliance while executing marketing strategies.
  • +Data Integration and Management:
  • Low-code software facilitates seamless integration of diverse data sources, such as genomic data, clinical trial results, chemical libraries, and research publications. It enables researchers to centralize and manage data effectively, improving data accessibility and fostering collaboration among multidisciplinary teams.
  • +Workflow Automation:
  • Low-code platforms enable the automation of repetitive and time-consuming tasks, such as data processing, analysis, and visualization. By automating these tasks, researchers can focus more on data interpretation and decision-making, accelerating the drug discovery process.
  • +Experiment Design and Optimization:
  • Low-code software can support the design and optimization of experiments in drug discovery. It can assist in the generation of experimental protocols, sample tracking, and result analysis, helping researchers streamline experimental workflows and enhance the efficiency of their studies.
  • +Visualization and Data Analysis:
  • Low-code software provides intuitive interfaces and visual tools for data analysis and visualization. Researchers can explore and interpret complex datasets more effectively, identify patterns, and make informed decisions based on the insights gained from the data.
  • +Empowering Citizen Scientists and Non-Technical Experts:
  • Low-code platforms will continue to empower citizen scientists, non-technical experts, and domain specialists to contribute to drug discovery efforts. By providing intuitive interfaces and easy-to-use tools, low-code platforms will bridge the gap between technical and non-technical experts.

Future of low-code when it comes to pharma manufacturing and drug-discovery

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The future of low-code platforms in drug discovery holds significant promise and potential. As low-code platforms continue to advance, they will become more intuitive and user-friendly. This will enable researchers with limited programming expertise to rapidly develop sophisticated applications tailored to specific drug discovery needs. The drag-and-drop interface and pre-built components will allow for faster and more efficient application development, reducing time and effort.

+Low-code platforms are likely to integrate with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and big data analytics. This integration will enable researchers to leverage AI algorithms for data analysis, predictive modeling, and virtual screening. ML algorithms can assist in analyzing complex biological data and identifying patterns, ultimately leading to more accurate predictions and faster decision-making.

+Future low-code platforms will provide improved capabilities for seamless integration and management of diverse datasets, including genomic data, chemical libraries, clinical trial results, and research publications. This will enable researchers to access and utilize relevant data more efficiently, enhancing the overall research process.

+Low-code platforms are expected to leverage cloud technologies, allowing for secure data storage, real-time collaboration, and accessibility from anywhere. Future low-code platforms may focus on providing tools and frameworks to ensure regulatory compliance and streamline the validation process in drug discovery. This can include features like audit trails, data integrity controls, and validation documentation templates to meet the stringent requirements of regulatory authorities.